As it relates to vehicles, diminished value may be present due to a number of reasons. While it’s generally associated with the aging of a vehicle, other factors may come into play. When you arrange to have a diminished value appraisal MD done these factors will have some impact on the outcome.
The Mileage
The amount of mileage on the vehicle will impact the overall value. With newer vehicles, excessive mileage will decrease the worth. Generally, excessive mileage is considered over 100,000 miles for a vehicle that is less than seven years old.
There are some exceptions with older vehicles. For example, if you’re having a classic vehicle appraised, the mileage may be less of a factor. Even so, lower mileage in a classic will actually increase the value rather than decrease it.
The Extent of the Damage After an Accident
If the vehicle has been involved in an accident, the degree of damage could diminish the value. Immediately after the event and before any repairs are done, that’s certainly the case. Even after the repairs, if there’s any indication that the repairs did not restore the vehicle to the former state, the value is likely to be lower. This can have to do with using lower quality parts or some other factor that makes it easier to detect that the vehicle was involved in an accident.
The Quality of the Repairs
While the type of parts used for the repair are important, the same is true for how well the repairs were made. If the repair work itself was somewhat rushed and not done as thoroughly as promised, that does have a negative impact on the value of the car or truck. For example, choosing to manage the repairs yourself rather than using a certified collision expert for the project would be taken into account as part of a diminished value appraisal MD. Unless you happen to be a collision repair expert yourself, the quality may be brought into question.
The Age and Make of the Vehicle
Age is definitely a factor that affects the value of a vehicle. So does the reputation and the demand for the make and model. Depending on the type of car or truck that you own, these factors may increase the value or they could mean the value is diminished.
Consider the difference between owning a vintage Mercedes and an older Chevrolet. With the former, a vehicle that’s in good shape and still has all of the original parts is likely to appreciate in value. The latter may be in decent shape, but the fact that it’s in less demand and does not have the reputation of a Mercedes will likely mean that the value decreases.
How much is your vehicle worth? The only way to know for sure is to have an appraisal done. The process won’t take that long and you’ll have documented proof of the value. You may also end up receiving some tips on how to maximize the value for your make and model, something that will come in if you plan on selling it any time soon.