
 Ways Events Will Change in a Post COVID-19 World

Covid-19 has made a very deep impact on everyone’s life, every industry has been affected majorly including the event planning companies. During a grand opening in Johar Bahru Event Plannermy followed all the covid-19 related guidelines in a very professional manner and made the event a great success. To keep everyone safe governments of all the countries issued guidelines regarding lockdowns and restrictions. Every activity was stopped during that period but now people are getting used to this new normal world. The government is also changing its guidelines to cope up with the world and to make sure no one misses their work. Event planning companies are also rising from the ashes once again keeping in mind all the safety measures. Many companies such as Event Plannermy have altered their policy and made them according to covid-19 guidelines. 

Let’s see the following key things to keep in mind while organizing an event.

  1. Hygiene and sanitization- Event planning companies must check whether the location of the event maintains proper hygiene and follow the sanitization rules. Every entrance should have hand sanitizers kept in a visible place so that everyone should sanitize their hands first before entering. All the equipment should be cleaned properly before handing it over to anyone. 
  2. Maintaining social distances- No one wants to attend an event that is not properly managed so an event planner has to make sure that proper social distancing is being maintained in the event to prevent any spread of the virus if any present in the event. Event Plannermy always make arrangements for seats in such a manner that it gets easy to maintain social distancing. 
  3. Masking– Before entering check that every single person has been properly masked, if not, ask them to wear a mask to avoid any risk. Place a board outside the entrance stating instructions to wear the mask. 
  4. Reduce the number of guests- Since covid-19 people avoid traveling from one place to another to attend events, and they are more comfortable in attending even virtually from their home.  The government has also limited the number of guests allowed in the event, things are getting better but we don’t know for how long so it is better to keep a minimum guest list who will be present in person and make a separate list of guests who will be attending virtually.  
  5. Intelligent Catering- Due to Covid-19, the buffet system is getting vanished from the list, and it is good because no one wants to stand in line close to one another waiting for food, also serving system has also been eliminated. Every venue should offer ready-to-go foods which are packed in disposable plates and packaged drinking water, this initiative will also be environmentally friendly and will save lots of food and water. Event Plannermy make sure that the event venue has a proper facility for providing packed food to their guests. During an event planning, Melaka guests were offered ready-to-go foods and it was appreciated by everyone.