
7 Ways to be Prepared for a Power Outage

Unexpected power outages are some of the last things for which we can be prepared. Most of the time, if our electricity supply suddenly shuts off, it is too late.

We find ourselves stuck with our mobile phones at less than 50% battery power, no light or heat source to fall back on, and so on.

However, should your local town announce an upcoming power outage for maintenance works, there are some things that you can do to prepare ahead of time.

Have Candles Ready

Buy candles online along with other light sources that you can use when the power cut happens.

Candles may be old-school and dim compared to other light sources, but you can light them up without worrying about the batteries, broken light bulbs, or electricity.

Just be sure to have matches or a couple of working lighters with extra lighter fluid in store so that you can utilize the candles.

Keep your candles in a cooler area of the house so that the wax does not melt. And store your matches and lighters in secured cabinets if you have children around the house.

Keep Warm or Stay Cool

Depending on the weather when the power outage is scheduled to happen, you will want to have items that can help you to keep warm or stay cool throughout the night.

Sleeping bags and space blankets are excellent for heat retention, while battery-operated fans and window screens provide some comfort for hot days.

Look for alternate ways to maintain your body temperature so that you can still rest relatively comfortably while waiting for the power supply to come back.

Keep your Power Banks Charged

Mobile phones are still important even without Wi-Fi access or phone chargers. Ensure that your power banks are charged ahead of time so that you still have a power source to fall back on to make phone calls when needed.

During the power outage, you will also want to keep your phone on power-saving mode.

Use it only when you need to, such as when you want to check the remaining downtime for your power supply or to find the nearest hotel to stay in to get some work done.

Store Canned Food

Wooden stoves or gas stoves will not be a problem even when there is no electricity, but families using induction cookers will find trouble cooking for their next meal.

Store some ready-to-eat canned food in cold areas, and have a couple of working can openers that you can use to open these cans too.

While not exactly the most nutritious, canned food can still serve as an excellent short-term solution.

Preserve Freezer Content

Have a cooler ready, and always keep ice packs in the freezer to help preserve the freezer content a little longer.

During the power outage, try not to open the freezer at all. If you need access, plan to minimize the length of time the refrigerator door is open.

Once the power outage has passed the 48-hour mark, it is best to remove the freezer’s content and store them inside a cooler with some store-bought ice packs or even snow, if possible.

Consider Buying a Generator

There will be no need to worry too much about your next power outage if you have a generator installed and ready to operate anytime.

With your generator, you can keep your refrigerator running and get some induction cooking done.

The generator should have enough power in it to last for a while. You can also have your family members all seated in the living room or any other space, where you can keep the lights on for activities.

Research the different types of generators, purchase one, and you will never have to worry about unexpected power outages again.

Prepare Activities

If a power outage lasts for many days, you will want to have some fun activities to pass the time. Have some playing cards, board games, or even magazines and novels that can help to ease the boredom.

Even without these items available, having some snacks handy would be great for a night of conversations and bonding time.

You will be thankful for having some board games around for longer power outage durations, though, so have some ready with you.