Why Can You Trust Living Soil?


    Plants, naturally, are a great part of the ecosystem, same with the numerous and various microorganisms in the soil. It has been acknowledged that most of these microbes, such as nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, play a crucial role in plant performance, such as enhancing mineral nutrition. Nevertheless, recent discovery showed that the rate of microbes relating to plants to displace artificial farming is more than we know now. Super soil for autoflowers is a typical example of living soil.

    There has been tremendous progress in discovering more about the composition of rhizospheric microbiome structures. It is evident that plants shape the structures of the microbiome, perhaps by roosummer exudate. Bacterias also have various changes to germinate in the rhizospheric niche. Super soil for autoflowers aids the microbes in circulating nutrients.

    Microbes play an important role in regulating the nutrients cycle that is basic to life on the planet. Fertile soil has innumerable microbes in a gram of soil to produce plants. The most numerous microbes are bacteria, followed by the decreasing number of actinomycetes, fungi, soil protozoa, and soil algae. 

    Roles of the microbial properties of living soil

    There are still places where the life of these microbes is threatened and not used for agricultural practices. Super soil for autoflowers is a great source of sustenance to these microorganisms.  

    Roles of algae to the soil

    • They aid in maintaining your soil fertility, mainly tropical soils
    • They add organic matter to the soil when they die and increase the rate of organic carbon in the soil
    • They act like a bond, binding soil particles and reducing or preventing soil erosion.
    • They increase the capacity of soil to retain water for long periods.
    • Extricating huge amounts of oxygen in the soil through photosynthesis and also submerged aeration. 

    Roles of protozoa to the soil

    • They derive nutrition from ingesting or feeding soil bacteria, and they help maintain microbial bacteria stability in the soil.
    • Protozoa are recently used as biological control agents against organisms that can cause plant infections.
    • Many protozoa spur illness in human beings, transmitted through water—for instance, Amoebic dysentery. 
    • Roles of fungi to the soil
    • Mutualists: mycorrhizal fungi populate plant roots. Mycorrhizal fungi stabilize phosphorus and bring soil nutrients like nitrogen, micronutrients, phosphorus, and water to the plant in exchange for carbon. 
    • Decomposers: saprophytic fungi convert dead organic material into fungal biomass, carbon dioxide (CO2), and small molecules, such as organic acids.
    • Parasites: are the third group of fungi, pathogens, or parasites. They cause reduced production or death when they colonize roots and other organisms.

    Super soil for autoflowers is great, and the microbial components are plant-friendly.