Sometimes we get tired of working at our workplace. Lack of satisfaction, a sense of development and achievement of goals, or low-paying work cause a desire to change something in life. Then a change of profession comes to the rescue – a complete change of activity in completely new conditions. Does it sound interesting? Of course, this is the case, and that is why it is worth knowing how to write a functional resume for changing careers so that it looks attractive and convincing.
A professionally designed CV
Many people wonder how to describe their work experience and whether it is even worth mentioning when applying for a job in a completely different industry. It may seem that an employer or recruiter won’t be interested in what you’ve done so far. The reality is quite different. In fact, carefully developing your professional profile can effectively open the door to a new job.
By stating your career path on your CV, you show the employer the value and energy you have to offer. It’s an easy way to gain an edge over your competitors. By placing the experience column at the top of your CV in a prominent place, you can show that you have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and skills. This will make you more attractive to employers.
Highlighting your skills
If you want to change the industry in which you work, the most important part of your CV is undoubtedly the section relating to your skills. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to compile it properly. It happens that some people enter vague, random words that are the first to come to mind because they ‘might be useful’. Pay attention to what is mentioned in the job offer. Skills should be described accurately and should relate to the employer’s expectations. Don’t write in generalities, as this indicates you are unprofessional. “Teamwork skills” sounds interesting, but even better is “Excellent teamwork skills – I have coordinated a team of a dozen or so people on international projects”.
When talking about skills or knowledge, it’s worth finding room for examples that will appeal from the perspective of both the recruiter and the potential employer. Let’s show that we have our own unique value that can add a lot of value if hired. Self-confidence will prove very useful.
A functional CV when you change industries
Changing industry and looking for work in a completely new field can be quite a challenge. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a functional resume which differs from the standard one in some important ways. In this case, you should focus especially on the skills already mentioned, professional CV, education and additional qualifications or courses completed. It is worthwhile training in a new field and showing the employer that we are interested in it by gradually expanding our competencies.