About the rejection or loss of the dental implant, it should be noted that technically the term rejection is misused since it is highly unlikely that the human body produces an immune response against the pure titanium with which the implants are manufactured, given the very high biocompatibility of this material as indicated by Dental Implants Idaho Falls.
The correct thing is to talk with the Best Dentist Near Me about the Cost of Dental Implants idaho falls, which can cause it to fall or the need to remove it in specific clinical circumstances that can trigger different factors, some pathological and others derived from the surgical technique.
Stages of Dental Implant Failure
The failure or rejection of the dental implant can originate in the different stages of the procedure. In the first phase of treatment, in which the surgical intervention for implant placement is performed, the causes are the following:
- Possible infections that occur during the intervention or postoperatively (peri-implantitis)
- Failure of fusion of the implant to the bone (osseointegration)
- That the patient is a smoker. Smoking can affect the osseointegration process and prevent the implant from setting.
- If the implant is performed in a patient with severe uncontrolled diabetes
- If the patient suffers from any bone disease that affects the jaw
- It can occur in patients treated with bisphosphonates for osteoporosis and also in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- If the surgical technique used is not correct or the one indicated for the patient’s characteristics
Sometimes low-quality implants are used to cut costs, either because they are not made of pure titanium or because the surface to which the bone is attached is not adequate.
Once the implant has been performed, and the postoperative period has passed, its failure can occur for the following reasons:
- Causes similar to those that occur in the first phase, such as infections (peri-implantitis, smoking, and treatments with bisphosphonates, chemotherapy or radiotherapy
- Poor or impossible oral hygiene around the implant neck
- That the implants are not sufficient to balance and support the load of the chewing forces
- That the prostheses that are placed on the implant have not been correctly designed.
Although the possible causes of the failure or rejection of a dental implant are numerous, it is essential to note that if it is of good quality and placed by a qualified professional, the risk of failure is only 2%.
But it is no less important than the person undergoing a dental implant follows their dentist’s recommendations to avoid transplant failure. Among them, we must highlight the need to go to check-ups every three or six months, stop smoking if you are a smoker, and maintain meticulous dental hygiene.
To learn more, please visit Taylorview Dental.