
What are the things that really make you fall in love?

fall in love with the person we love? Love potions are now out of fashion, but knowing how to bring out the best in you still has its why

The things that make us fall in love

We all know it: forcing another person to fall in love with us is not possible, and often there are no valid tactics. Otherwise, who knows how many less tears in youth!

Scientific studies (says Stanford University!) Affirm that each of us can successfully catalyze the attention of the loved one by valuing a series of aspects of our personality. Certain attitudes – clearly positive in nature – can catalyze other people. We’re not talking about pretending to be different from who you are, but enhancing certain characteristics. Commentary by Let’s See.

The rules of attraction to ignite passion and seduce him

The rules of attraction to ignite passion and seduce him


The first piece of advice any good friend in monannoncegay would give you is to take your well-being to heart. And well-being is not only about the physical aspect, but it is a mental condition of balance with oneself. Feeling good is not just a question of physical form: the starting point is to love yourself as you are. Taking care of your well-being increases self-esteem and self-confidence. Think about it by reversing the question: would you be more inclined to fall in love with a person who only keeps diminishing, or a person who is clearly purposeful, confident, and visibly in love?


Smile often because the second weapon of seduction is your magnificent smile: it costs nothing and is never enough! But I recommend that the smiles be genuine and not fake. Being sunny and positive in general helps in life and also helps communicate a sense of trustworthiness and serenity to others. And then smiling more helps you live better and be happier.

The look

Knowing how to make eye contact openly and without embarrassment is a very useful skill in any relationship. And if we’re talking about love, looking into each other’s eyes is the first step: looking is a very important aspect of courting and can help build the attraction between the two of you. Don’t be afraid to “watch” him or to feel under surveillance every time he looks at you because that’s the beauty of the game of seduction.

Common interest

People generally attract each other because they perceive the strong feeling of a connection. If you have common interests, emphasize them in your conversations. If you are both passionate about a band or enjoy attending exhibitions or even going to the stadium or going out for dinner, attribute those arguments when talking to her. But avoid lying about it just to earn it, because it will take a little while to notice it and by then you will have already lost it, before you even made it your own.


In mon annonce rencontre, Men like independent women: so present themselves as such. Addiction to someone or obsession with another person are not aspects that communicate good vibrations.

If you have a fulfilling life and are happy even on your own, you will definitely be able to generate more interest. Never cancel a date because of him and remember that sometimes you can even afford to decline invitations rather than canceling just to be with him. Always remember that your life should not revolve around anyone.


It may sound obvious to you, but there is always a need for positive energy and optimism in everyday life. People are drawn to those who are always looking for the positive side of life: instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your life, try to emphasize the positive aspects.

That might interest you too, right? Discover these questions in him

And finally, make him feel indispensable, unique and irreplaceable because if the guy you love sent that you need him, his affection for you will intensify. It’s not just us women who need attention.

And now you just have to start conquering “your” man! Try to organize a good dinner: here are the secrets to seduce at the table, with lots of advice because the courtyard is also good food