SCIP database – Things you must know


The European chemicals agency ECHA introduced a database named SCIP, which offers safe data to all the actors involved in a supply chain relating to components of very high concern. It was introduced in accordance with the EU waste framework directive and is a part of the framework. It will allow authorities, NGOs and other individuals access to information about the product through the product life-cycle, starting from the creation to waste management. Enviropass SCIP database will help in achieving the objectives of WFD. Article 9(2). Let us know more about the SCIP database:

What is the SCIP database? 

SCIP is a database built by the European chemicals agency. It was created to store data about the chemicals that are of very high concern in product articles or complex objects. Delete a base ensures that the products or articles that contain the chemicals mentioned in the list are available throughout the product life-cycle even at the waste stage.

What is SCIP notification? 

The SCIP notification is prepared by the product, manufacturer or producer and informs the European chemicals agency about the presence of substances of very high concern in the concentration of more than 0.1% w/w. 

How to prepare a SCIP notification?

There are three methods which a duty holder can use to create SCIP notification:

  • Collect the information and find innovative Supplier compliance software that can help prepare the dossier.
  • Use the online platform to create SCIP notifications or use the IUCID to create the notification offline.
  • Use the system-to-system submission method to create the dossier and submit it to ECHA using S2S.

Who should submit the notification to the SCIP database?

All the EU-based manufacturers, distributor importers, assemblers, or any individual or company involved in the creation, distribution or usage of products that are under the reach of ECHA should submit the notification to the SIP database. 

The SCIP database was introduced for the producers and manufacturers situated in the EU and they must comply with the ECHA guidelines. However, producers selling products outside the EU don’t need to submit the notification to ECHA, that is, they are not required to comply with the ECHA framework. The same applies to retailers, distributors, assemblers, and other actors involved in the product market. As the SCIP database is available throughout the product life cycle, it is provided to the waste management operators and consumers and other people in the supply chain and allows better handling of the product.