Even the best IAS institutions say the formula for passing the UPSC civil service exam is not easy. Each candidate taking the exam has access to the same book. They are equally devoted to approving it. In most cases, they are enrolled in several training institutions. If all students receive proper guidance through books, mentors, and teachers, why would one applicant win and another application for the next attempt?
Why can’t people who study more than 15 hours a day sit on the network and people who work only 8 hours reveal it? According to experts, you can take sociology as an optional subject as it iseasy. The UPSC sociology optional syllabusis easy to learn and also a scoring subject andthe difference is very detailed and resembles that of a normal person. Below are some tactics you can use for IAS competition testing to take advantage of the differences? To be successful, four mantras must be incorporated by ambitious civil servants.
Create your strategy
In today’s world, simple hard work does nothing. The need for time is to work wisely with effort. This logic also works for civil service exams. It’s not about calculating how many hours have been spent studying the subject. It’s about knowing:
- What to read
- Things you should not study
- How long do you read
- How to answer correctly and accurately using learning.
The ideal way is to ask a mentor or former IAS topper for a strategy and modify it to suit you. Therefore, the first mantra is to have a clear idea of the topic you are learning. The focus needs to be the same as the IAS demands creativity and innovation. What you do is blindly follow the tactics used by someone else.
You have knowledge about the syllabus.
The second tip to winning the IAS exam is to know the curriculum from top to bottom. Getting an overview means paying attention to all issues that may be questioned in the document. To do this, select a general study UPSCexam syllabus and read it carefully. This will tell you which topics you should read and which topics you should not read. Therefore, it directly helps to achieve Mantra Also, be aware of additional topics and issues added to the syllabus.
The complete information on the syllabus for the IAS exam is 20% of the hard work. Once this is complete, the candidate can continue learning. An additional tip here is, as explained earlier, that if the syllabus changes during the year of the test, civil servants are creative and imaginative as long as they are aware of the work situation.
Let’s aim for a little question.
It’s a small thing that can do a big job or break. The third mantra of IAS test takers is based on this maxim. Aim for two questions that can be answered in 20 words. Most candidates take the exam with the confidence that they can easily answer these small questions. They don’t write them comprehensively because they don’t always focus and look at the two markers. All candidates should follow the policy to practice for these questions, which can earn up to 300 points in a general study.
The basic method is to pick up the newspaper and select the location, terminology, or personality listed there. Try writing 20 words for each. Continue practicing until a concise answer is formed. Another practical tool is to answer two questions from the previous year.
Develop corresponding skills
Many candidates can pass the qualifying round, but the biggest obstacle seems to be the principal. The reason is that study is not the only main test for civil servants. It is to have the skills and knowledge to present the answer perfectly. There are various factors to consider when cleaning up your network.
- It’s not how much a person has learned.
- This is how they use that learning.
- How to answer the question in 3 hours is important.
- Use the following tips to enhance your response skills.
- Draw a pie chart, flowchart, or chart as needed in your answer. The examiner can help the candidate quickly determine that they know the subject.
- Do not repeat the related point in different paragraphs.
- Always stick to word restrictions. The more time you spend on one question, the less time you have left to complete the rest of the work. After all, the remaining time is not enough.
- Answer your questions with positive points or creative contributions that distinguish you from other competitors.
If you are a beginner and have just completed your graduation or pursuing it, then, it is suggested to join one of the Best IAS coaching in Delhi. They don’t just guide you but also creates a competitive environment for learning and studying.