Hiring a Technical Publication Company to Revise or Update Manuals? Here’s what You Should Know Then

Manuals for the aerospace industry need to be of a certain standard. It is these manuals that the ground support staff, trainees, and aircraft technicians use for actual troubleshooting. Which is why, they should be:
- Accurate
- Informative
- Error-free
Quite clearly, if you want all such standards met for your end-users then you need to hire a technical publication firm like the Sonovision technical publication because their team of employees have technical writers who are either aircraft parts manufacturers, ex-military, or engineers.
That said, there are some other benefits offered by this firm. The most important of those benefits are listed below for your reference. Have a look!
- They Manage Everything
The team at Sonovision has highly experienced SEMs, editors, and illustrators other than technical writers. So:
- The SEMs do all the in-depth research so that the manuals have 100% accurate information.
- The technical writers then use the information supplied by the SEMs to write the manuals.
- Once written, illustrators insert hyperlinks in the manuals to make navigation between pages easy. They also insert diagrams and drawings for better explanation.
- The final copy is sent to the editors who carefully check the manuals against any kind of typing error and grammatical mistakes.
And this is done for each and every manual that is edited, revised, updated, or generated at Sonovision. In other words, once you hire them, they handle all the work from the scratch.
- They Can Handle Complicated Manuals Easily
Different manuals have different degrees of complexity. Some have to be done in simple language. But, some others are actually complicated. Such manuals should be written in FAA approved standards and specifications that are used globally.
Not every SEM or technical writer can understand and write such complicated sets of standards. But, the experts at firms like Sonovision have years of theoretical as well as practical knowledge about such standards. They understand each and every complexity that goes into it. So, they’re the best people if you want your data to be written or converted into any of the following specifications.
- ATA 100
- ATA 2200
- S1000D
- S2000M
- Mil-SPEC
- ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English
- US Department of Defense specifications
Additionally, a few complicated manuals that they regularly generate for the government as well as commercial contractors are given below.
- Aircraft Maintenance Manuals
- Aircraft Operational and Flight Manuals
- Illustrated Part Catalogues
- Wiring, Schematic and Block Diagram Manuals
- Troubleshooting/Fault Isolation Manuals
- Structural Repair Manuals
- Non-destructive Test Manuals
- Component Maintenance Manuals
- Completion/Interior Manuals
- Supplemental Manuals
- They Offer Multiple Services
Technical publication is a very lengthy procedure. A good company will, thus, provide all the necessary services that one can think of. The most important ones that they must provide are listed below.
- Technical data conversion services
- Technical authoring services
- IETM services
- Technical Illustration services
All in all, you can always pick any or all of the services listed above according to your requirement and budget.