
Fawesome TV

The entertainment industry has exploded in leaps and bounds in recent years thanks to the development of technology, specifically the internet and the smartphones. Thanks to the above inventions, companies have gained the ability to reach customers directly at home on their own individual devices.

Many entertainment companies have developed their own apps to help their target audiences enjoy the content they churn out. But all of them cannot be said to be on the same level, some are much better than others. Most of them offer content in return for an annual or monthly subscription fee, which has become un affordable to many especially in light of recent events.


But Fawesome TV is an exception. Not only is it completely free, but it also provides quality content catered to every person’s interest. When you open the app, you will be directed to the Homepage, where you are shown the recently watched titles and new arrivals.

Features of Fawesome TV app

Once you click on the title of your choice, you will be taken to another page, where you are shown the length of the video, the year it was made, and the score it has received. There is also a small paragraph about the video, along with the name of the director and cast members.

Below this is displayed any other videos that may be related to this. There is also a share button, which allows you to share the video directly with your socials including WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. You can also add it to a Watchlist, for later watching.

Once you click on the play button, the video will start to play on full screen mode, and you can skip ten seconds in front or to the back. There is also a button for closed captions. If you feel like the video, you are currently watching isn’t your cup of tea, then you can simply move onto the next video with just a simple tap.

In addition to the Homepage there is a Browse page and Search page. ON the Browse page, you can easily browse through the movies, TV shows or documentaries arranged in various categories for your convenience, such as Thriller, Adventure, Drama, Crime, Mystery, British, Black cinema, Biography, Fantasy and World Cinema. On the Search page, you can easily search for any title that they offer by just typing in the name in the Search bar at the top. The Trending Searches are also displayed for you to see what other people are watching.

Download Fawesome TV app for Android TV

There are many Android TV apps to watch Movies, TV Shows, Documentaries like Fawesome TV. But most of those free software not available on Google Play Store. You can use Android TV app stores like AppLinked apkor FileSynced apk to find new Movies and TV shows apps for your TV. There are many Android TV app stores like Aptoide TV and UnLinked. Aptoide TV is much more similar to Play Store TV or Amazon App Store. UnLinked, FileSynced and AppLinked are much more similar in function. You have to use TV code to download apps using those stores.