Who would have thought in the wake of 2019, the world would witness a change in lifestyle that will alter the status quo of our lives – and almost everyone would be called to take up metaphorical arms by isolating in their homes?
Talk about being stuck at home, it’s easier to fall into an inactive lifestyle when you’re confined within the four walls of your home than you would have wanted. This could be a dent in your fitness routine or even a cramp on your workout schedule.
Say, you were an active person or a fitness enthusiast who wouldn’t miss a day at their favorite gym in Nashville, how do you find a way to adapt and stay fit now that gyms are closed?
Keep in mind that while being in a gym filled with equipment may motivate you to stick to your daily fitness routine, the absence of it may be the opposite. This in turn may cause a relapse in your fitness routine and every progress you’ve made on your physical fitness in the past becomes lost. What this means is you may have to begin your fitness goals from where you first started.
Adapting to New Exercise Routines
Given the current circumstances, be assured that there is a silver lining, and it’s called adapting. Adapting is part of human nature and this will help you embrace what is currently obtainable as your new normal and help you find a way to remain fit.
Even if you can’t make use of your regular gym in Nashville, there are some exercises you can engage in on your own. Think of some of the personal training in Nashville, TN you have had that required little equipment like dumbbells or none.
This could include exercises like burpees, dumbbell exercises, walking outdoor embracing nature, planks, skipping, etc. Dedicate like 40-60 minutes daily to do them while your favorite work out playlist is on.
Your Mental Health is also as Important
While physical fitness is important to your overall health, your mental wellbeing is equally as important. As you know it’s currently the era of social distancing, which limits human physical interaction, it can be a dent in your mental health. That’s because we are social animals and human interaction is one of the ways we thrive as humans.
Asides being unable to socialize, the daily digest of the pandemic news can also cause you anxiety.
Thanks to the presence of technological advancement, you can employ their use to connect with your friends, family, and colleagues by texting, talking on the phone, or via video calls. Sharing your feelings about your current state of mind can also help relieve the burden of the anxiety you feel about the situation.
You can also leverage social platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook Live, or Zoom to participate in some workout sessions you might find interesting. You can also connect with your go-to gym on Nashville on their social platforms to get updates and tips to stay fit while you are home.
Above all, staying fit during this COVID-19 period should be a blend of your physical and mental wellbeing. They go hand in hand.
Embracing the New Normal
Perhaps, the former normal will return or the new normal is here for longer than we might want, either way, now is what we’ve got, so adapt, keep fit and embrace your new normal. Please visit here to learn more: https://nextlevelfitness.com/gyms-nashville-tennessee