
Things You Need To Know About Depression.

The symptoms of depression, differences between depression and sadness, and how to treat depression.

Statistics Of Depression Around The World

It is estimated that 322 million people suffer from depression

Difference Between Depression And Melancholy

Depression is often confused with melancholia, and in fact, both have similar symptoms, but only a qualified professional can differentiate between a depressed patient and a melancholic patient.

In depression, the person suffers from not wanting; it is as if he already had everything. Melancholy is characterized by a relationship of pain with the world, and it is a more profound lack of being, deadly. Melancholic patients are highly prone to suicide.

Difference Between Depression And Sadness

Perhaps the most significant difficulty in our modern world is to differentiate depression from sadness and periods of sadness that we go through in life. There are situations such as the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, when we fail in some way or when we are not very satisfied with what we have; in these situations, we feel a sadness that consumes us, we have low energy, a certain apathy with the world, but that is something temporary is something that in a way moves us to the next decision, the following action in front of life.

We grieve for everything we lose in our life, whether it is a loved one or the loss of a job, we go through this period a little painful, but that does not mean depression.

According to the manual of diagnosis of mental disorders, when this sadness remains for more than two weeks, it could be considered depression. Still, it is necessary to look carefully at each case because each person has a different time going through situations of grief, loss, and sadness.

In addition, many times, despite the sadness, we managed to have moments of joy during the week, during the day, and we even let go of that sadness; in depression, it does not occur; there is a lack of pleasure in everything.

Symptoms Of Depression

The most present and striking symptom in people who are in depression is anhedonia, that is, a lack of pleasure in activities in general, the reduction of interest in everything around them, and not wanting; the person does not want anything.

There is also another aspect of depression that is a kind of hypomania, the person does millions of things at the same time, occupies all the time, occupies the mind, occupies the body exaggeratedly, in an attempt to never stop to think about his own life, which can also characterize a depression covered by anxiety. More than 60% of depressive episodes are preceded by anxiety.

In physical symptoms, we usually have intense fatigue, loss of energy, excessive tiredness, insomnia or drowsiness, loss of memory failures, pain in the body, especially chronic pain.

Treatment For Depression

The most recommended and used treatment is psychotherapy with a clinical psychologist who can be associated with medications according to the psychiatrist’s assessment in the face of the need or not of a drug intervention.

We must be careful, today we talk about anti-depressants like parnate as the best-selling drugs in the world, but that alone has little effect; it is necessary to understand that depression comes from the inside out and that the treatment also needs to start from the inside out, the medicine can be an ally in this work but not the protagonist. You can also go with other supplements such as juvenon.  It is a natural nootropic supplement which aims to enhance cognitive functioning. This product boosts your memory, improves your mental performance, and enhances your concentration. It supports a reduction in brain fog and an increase in mental alertness.