Speaking tips for the A2 level English Test


    The spoken test of A2 is divided into four tasks. When you will in the spoken test, you and a one person will be there in the test, means two people at one time will give the same test. This A2 English test booking can be done online and pay the test money through online banking.

    Task 1

    In the first, the examiner will ask an introductory question. The questions will be like how are you, where do you stay, what your family members do and many more. Your answer should be short while responding to the questions.

    Tips and Ideas for Task 1

    • The main things are that you should focus on the examiner. Listen properly what he examiner is saying to you or the other person. The answer can be said in your own words, so there is no need for preparing extra information. Say the words that you know the proper meaning of if you say any words that you did not use before. So there will be a chance of confusion so avoid that.
    • At the time of preparing before the test pronounces the word correctly, this is very important because people will laugh at you when you pronounce it wrong. You can practice basic information like what are your hobbies, what do you do in your free time and many more. The activity should be regularly.

    Task 2

    Picture Sequence, in this it is checked how fluent can you speak the story? This type of test will be given before entering the test room. They will give you a story sheet, so you have understood it and say in your own words. If you say the keywords of the sentence properly, then you are approved. They will give you four pictures by this you should understand it. Your preparation time will be only for ten minutes.

    You can make notes if it. If you want, you can take notes in the test room also. On the time of the test, you will tell your picture sequence. The correct sequence should match with your sequence of the story as I told you that you could make notes, but at the time of test, you cannot read it from it.

    Task 3

    In this type, the examiner will ask you informal questions. You should be able to understand and respond to it. Your examiner will be like your friend so no need to hesitate. He or she will not be rude. The test time will be very less so you can easily say words that you know. You will get a card also at the time of the test. You and your other partner who is giving the test. Who has the card should answer the questions.

    Task 4

    You and your test partner will be in a given situation. Like you are a normal person, and another one is the tourist guide. There will no lot of questions. The questions will be simple and easy to understand. You can practice this before the exam. You can go to a hotel or cinema hall talk to the members in English so that you will be able to respond and understand.