
Simple Steps to Become a Tax Preparer In your State


A tax preparer is essential in assisting individuals and corporations in maximizing their deductions and filing their taxes. The IRS authorizes some tax preparers, but other options include certified public accountants (CPAs) or obtaining other certificates. CPAs are tax experts that will file your company’s taxes, answer any financial questions, and help you save money in your business. Even though CPAs have accounting degrees, their certification is not the same as that of tax preparers. 

Pacific Accounting Group provides full tax planning and preparation services, allowing you to focus on growing your business. They help people in Pasadena and Los Angeles prepare for tax time, manage data, and stay informed about changing tax rules and regulations. They will assist you in establishing important tax data and developing a system that allows you to keep your files structured and current ensuring that the information you need is always available. They are the right firm when you’re looking for tax services California

Tax Preparer Guide

Obtain GED or High School Diploma 

Get your high school diploma or GED and focus on classes writing, math, and/or business. While a bachelor’s degree in accounting is not required to work as a tax preparer, it will help you stand out when applying for opportunities.


Students seeking to enhance their jobs can take tax preparation courses in technical and vocational colleges, as well as community colleges. The National Association of Tax Professionals or the Certification Council for Accountancy and Taxation will certify students. Alternatively, you might get on-the-job training from a tax professional.

During those programs, students should anticipate taking the following courses:

  • Annual filings
  • Taxpayer interviews
  • Taxpayer filing status
  • Calculation of refunds
  • Tax forms
  • State tax codes

Obtain PTIN from IRS

To work as a tax preparer, you must have a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) issued by the IRS. To do so, fill out an application and include personal information such as your name, current address, date of birth, and social security number, as well as engage in the screening process.

If your application is approved, you will be granted unenrolled preparer certification, which allows you to file basic tax returns for individuals and companies. 

If you want to start your tax preparation service, you’ll need to obtain an Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN), from the federal government. As part of the process, the federal agency runs a credit and criminal background check. If you’re accepted, you’ll be able to electronically file tax returns for your clients.

Obtain a License for your State

Some states may require you to complete additional training to become a tax preparer. If you receive a PTIN but live in a state like Connecticut, California, Maryland, Oregon, Nevada, or New York, you will be required to obtain a state license to work as a tax preparer. California residents must complete 20 hours of continuing education each year.

The good news is that there isn’t a long list of requirements to become a professional tax preparer. You don’t need a special degree aside from the PTIN and IRS requirements. To gain specialized coaching and a certificate to prove your talents to buyers, enroll in a certification program now.