Natural Remedies to Prevent Pests


Your flowers and plants can be attacked by pests that can endanger your plants’ health and even kill them completely. Each region is prone to certain types of insects, depending on its climatic conditions and the state of its soils. Still, there are some very common such as ant, aphids, or mites with which we usually deal more often and to which we must pay special attention. Attention if we do not want them to invade the interior of our house in addition to the garden.

When the plague has exceeded your capacity to respond, you can resort to calling professionals like Pest Control Idaho Falls. Suppose the pest problem you are having is still controllable. In that case, you can consult your nearest nursery about the most effective insecticides with sprays or resort to organic, less polluting, and equally efficient methods to eradicate minor pests are in the first phase of the invasion.

What Plants Can I Use As An Insecticide?

Garlic: one of the most effective natural repellants out there. To eliminate pests from your plants, crush a head of garlic, a couple of cloves, and two glasses of water in a blender. As advised by Falls Pest Services Idaho Let the mixture rest for a day, add three liters of water, and spray it directly on the leaves of your plants. It is very efficient against mites, slugs, fungi, and bacteria of all kinds.

Eggshells: They are quite known for their fertilizing properties, but eggshells are also an effective repellent for snails and caterpillars. You have to crush them and put them at the base of your plants; the rest they will do for themselves.

Hot Peppers And Chili Peppers: They are excellent repellants against mites and whiteflies. For the mixture, take a hot pepper or chili, a clove of garlic, and a little vegetable oil; crush the ingredients and add a little water with liquid soap. Let it sit for a day and spray the result with a spray on your infected plants’ leaves and stems.

Tomatoes: an infusion with fresh tomato shoots is an adequate substitute for the chemical insecticides that the market offers to combat aphids, one of the most common pests in gardens when spring arrives. To use as a repellent, strain the infusion and spray your plants with it daily.

As a preventive measure suggested by Falls Pest Services, cleaning your plants’ leaves reduces the chances of pests and keeps them healthy; You can do so by giving them showers that thoroughly wet them. These regular baths keep them radiant and healthy.