
Increase Internet Safety For Online Learning

Due to Lido learning in the time of corona virus, parents get a lot of responsibility, which goes beyond schoolwork. So, parents need to make a special effort to educate their children about online safety. This is particularly beneficial enough if parents monitor their kids more than a tutor could. Given below are suggestions for parents to make use of while teaching their children at home regarding the internet safety. 

How to handle online predators:

Is internet the safest place for young people? Absolutely no!  Remind your children not to converse with online strangers. Make them aware of with whom they are taking online. Be careful about your children information, which gives out on the internet. Be open about the threat and then only, your children will be alert on signs of grooming and suspicious behaviour. This may include any person who pay special attention to them online and tries to impress them with things in real life. 

Protective searching:

Just like schools, homeschool parents should use content filters and assure that students can search online safely. The purpose of content filters is to prevent students from dangerous content. Additionally, parents too receive a peace of mind. But, using content filters is not sufficient, as kids can easily deal with them. Therefore, it is significant to teach children about dangerous online interactions. 


Though e-learning students cannot experience the risk of bullying in person, internet bullying became an immense problem for them. Educating students every possible things about internet bullying is what the duty assigned to all parents. They should also inform students about the effective way of handling the situation, so that children come to them if things may go wrong.

Educate them how to block or report those individuals who treat students very badly. 

Use of content monitoring programs on devices used for online learning will help students to intervene before escalate of the situations.

Final word:

Lido classes and digital content become a part of solution in response to covid-19 and to help students in meeting their educational needs. But, families and teachers should aware of possible dangers linked with digital content, platform, and messaging system. Parents have the necessity to eliminate the illegal online activities that target children. Parents aim to minimize violence against young people. 

Whilst this needs coordinated effort to accomplish, School systems, organizations, and ministries of education should increase awareness and provide strategies in order to improve child safety online.