Important questions that you should ask when seeking medical detox services for alcohol and drug abuse


Medical detox is regarded as the most important phase in drug and alcohol rehabilitation. This is because the kind of treatment offered helps prepare the patient for the rest of the medical program. This is why one must make a proper rehab center selection since the patient encounters during the program determine their recovery. A good medical detox center should have the right health facilities, health professionals, and other helpful additional services. There are very important questions that one should ask when looking for a medical detox center; check out below.

The type of medication

Different types of medical detox are determined by the type of substance abuse and the period of abuse. Before taking your loved one for admission, always make sure that you are well convinced of the type of medical detox medication they offer. Should your patient have negative reactions to any medication, you should point this out to the medical detox and help develop a way to receive safe treatment. Check out for more details on the type of medical detox medication to expect.

Services specialized in by the medical detox center.

It is always important to note what the medical detox is reputable for. Check out their website and understand the type of medical detox they offer and what other clients have to say about their services. It can be a waste of time investing in a medical detox center that does not specialize in your patient’s needs. To be more convinced that it is the right medical detox for your patient, ensure that you check through their records and understand whether they have handled patients with the same condition before.

Medical detox staff

The recovery of your patient is also determined by the type of medical professionals who handle them. A medical detox institution needs to have adequate and preferred staff; this includes drug and alcohol counselors, health professionals with general practice, nurses, and therapists. Health professionals should be certified to ensure that they have the right skills to attend to the patients.

Admission method

One needs to inquire how their patient is set to be admitted and how they will receive treatment. There are different factors that rehab centers use for admission; age, sex, type of addiction, and the period of abuse. Should you feel uncomfortable with the criteria they handle patients with, you can negotiate about it or go to a more favorable center.

Nutrition and other services

It is always relevant for a patient to have the right diet during medical detox for alcohol and drug recovery. This includes a well-balanced diet and sufficient water as well supervised exercises. It is also important for a rehab center to coordinate sufficient sleep patterns for the wellbeing of the patients. However, too much sleep is not healthy for the brain, especially for depressed patients, making their conditions even worse. It is also recommended for patients to try out counselling to get them through this tough period, as counselling is all part of self-care.

How equipped they are for emergencies

It is important to note that drug-abuse-affected individuals tend to have emergency medical conditions. A good rehab center should have emergency transportation equipped with all the medical equipment and specialists’ help. They also need to have medical aids to support the patients when they need help.

Aftercare treatment

Rehabilitation does not end after being discharged from a rehabilitation center. It is always important for the rehab center to assign patient assessment sessions. This is to make a follow-up on the state as well as continue with the medication if necessary.

It is always important that you choose the right medical rehabilitation center for your loved ones. Doing this involves asking questions that will make you understand whether the medical rehab center is suitable for the patient.