There is a common misconception among people that you can fix any problem that occurred during the recording in post-production. However, those who work with audio and sound in general, like https://ekmixmaster.com, will confirm that it isnot true. The quality of the source material is very important and influences the final result directly. So if you want your tracks to be smooth, there are a few things you should be mindful of. And in this article, we will give you some tips on how to get the most out of your recordings.
First, let’s discuss what result we are aiming at. Thequality of the sound is very elusive. If your track is of high quality, no one will notice it because this is what we are used to hearing, and
this is how it should sound. High audio quality is defined by what it is not. If there are external sounds in your recording, such as humming, buzzing, hissing e.t.c., this is considered to be bad quality. So now, since we’ve got it out of the way, let’s discuss how to achieve high-quality using simple rules.
High-quality audio is the way to show your listeners that youcare. It is important to engage your audience, and high-quality audio is one of the ways to attract and keep their attention. How to achieve it? Choose a good microphone. Microphone quality is important. Basically, there are two types of mics – dynamic and condenser microphones. If you plan on making a podcast or recording vocals, go for the condenser mic, as it is very sensitive and ideal for recording voice. And your microphone doesn’t have to be expensive.Check out Maono for example. They offer affordable condenser mics.
Buy a mic stand. Avoid holding the mic in your hands,as it is easy to bump it or let your hair brush it. This results in veryunpleasant sound, which is difficult to remove in post-production. Also, make sure the mic stand doesn’t touch your table and is far away from your feet. Because if you have a habit of drumming your fingers or shaking your legs, the sound will travel and end up seeping into the final track.
Recordin a quiet place. It is a simple detail, but many people often overlook it. Mics are very sensitive and easily pick up external noises such as cars, washing machines, fridges etc. If
you want your track to be clean, you should find a place without windows with thick walls and doors that will block out the external noises. Your closet is ideal for this purpose. If you don’t have any options, you can try to soundproof your room using furniture, pillows, rugs. Ideally, your room should not have any hard surfaces as they easily reflect the sound.
Set up a pop filter. Pop filters will reduce the popping noises and make your consonants less explosive. Therefore, will improve the overall quality of your tracks.
And don’t lean too far from the mic to preserve the effect of proximity. Use several tracks to record multiple people.
You can pan them left and right in post-production it will make your track more immersive and natural. If you are good at processing, you can do some EQing and compression to bring the quality of your audio to the next level.