
Getting Ready For Knee Replacement Surgery

There is finally a date for your partial or full knee replacement surgery. Your knees will become stronger, more mobile, and you will suffer less pain. Even a little nervousness is possible. Is that enough? Have you prepared adequately?

We see many patients in sports medicine Meeker, Colorado who ask how they can reduce their stress levels leading up to the big event and help ensure a smooth recovery. Prepare well in advance. Preparation for knee replacement surgery is as vital as recovery.

You’ll be prepared for success if you take the right steps. Following are some steps you should take in preparation for your knee replacement surgery.

Preparations for medical treatment


Before having knee replacement surgery, you should do the following:

  • Your doctor’s practice assistant can help you schedule a surgery date during your office visit.
  • During your office visit, talk to your surgeon about the risks of surgery.
  • Preoperative medical clearance is obtained by consulting your doctor (and any specialists treating you) if requested by your surgeon.
  • Choosing the appropriate sports medicine Meeker, Colorado can help you prepare for a smooth surgery and recovery. Visit us two to three weeks before your surgery. You will be contacted by the practice coordinator at the office of your surgeon.
  • Your surgeon’s office coordinator will provide you with an appointment schedule for any other presurgical appointments you need to make. The nurse-patient navigator will suggest a preoperative education class.
  • The nurse-patient navigator will suggest a preoperative education class. Bring a list of any questions you may have and family members or caregivers to this class.

Home Preparations

  • Provide meals and help around the house with the help of your spouse, friend, or other caregivers.
  • After surgery, patients generally are unable to drive for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Arrange for meals and toiletries in advance for your ease, post-surgery.
  • Moving area rugs and electrical cords that might cause tripping is a good idea.
  • In showers and near toilets, install grab bars or small rails.
  • It’s easier for you to sit down and get up if you install a higher toilet seat.
  • If you have a slippery floor in the shower, put a small stool in it to prevent slipping.
  • Keep your legs elevated for a few minutes at a time with a comfortable, supportive chair.
  • You can alleviate swelling by having cold packs on hand.
  • To ensure proficiency, practice using walkers, canes, and other assistive devices in advance.

Feel free to ask any final questions

Please do not hesitate to ask any last questions concerning what to expect during your surgery, what to expect during your recovery, or what risks are involved in knee replacement surgery. Sports medicine Meeker, Colorado is here to help.