Dealing With Unexpected Vehicle Expenses by Dealing With Routine Vehicle Expenses


When you’re making out a budget for that new or used vehicle, you might remember to figure in the cost of things like insurance, tolls, gas, and the actual car payment, but you can’t forget to factor in the cost of routine maintenance so that any unexpected repairs are not as frequent.

This probably isn’t exactly the first thing on your mind when you’re setting up your budget for transportation, but routine maintenance is critical when it comes to keeping the vehicle on the road and avoiding costly repairs that can leave you looking for loan companies in Duncan, OK when you get stranded. To that end, here’s a quick look at some of the things you’ll need to factor into your expenses.

Oil Changes

When it comes to changing the oil in a vehicle, it’s recommended that it be done no less than every 5,000 miles. However, this can vary depending on the age of the vehicle, the miles you drive, and other factors. If you don’t drive it that much, you might be able to get away with just changing it once a year. Oil changes aren’t generally that expensive and can be between $25 and $80.


The battery in a vehicle should be replaced at least every three years. However, this also depends on other factors – like if you live in a place that stays extremely hot or cold, or if you don’t crank it for a long time. You also need to always ensure your lights are off when you get out of the car. Replacing the battery can cost up to $200 depending on the type your car takes and where you buy it.

Brake Pads

This type of routine maintenance can be a bit tricky if you’re trying to put it on a time table. It will depend on how frequently the brakes are used. As an example, this might depend on how much you drive on the interstate versus how much you drive in the city. Typically, if you drive more in the city, you’ll have to replace these more frequently than if you drive more on the interstate.

You’ll know when it’s time to get these taken care of when you start hearing a squealing noise when you step on the brakes or, in newer vehicles, when an indicator light comes on to let you know it’s time to get them checked.


Finally, tires are important. When your tread gets too worn, you’ll need to replace the tires. Regardless of this, even for vehicles that aren’t driven much, they need to be replaced every six years. Aside from this, you need to rotate the tires about every 8,000 miles so that they wear evenly.

Doing these things might cost you a little money at set times, but in the end, it might save you thousands of dollars in unexpected repairs that can be the result of neglecting them.