Just like Los Angeles and Death Valley, California is one of the hottest locations in America. If you imagine it, you might see beach scenery, surfing, and Hollywood.
Due to this kind of temperature, it is important that for every car owner, they have window tints installed on their vehicle. These window tints help their car look cooler and serve as their protection from the UV rays.
For effective window tinting in Riverside, CA, seek assistance from a professional company like Global Tint USA.
And if you have already decided to have your car installed by window tints as well, you need to familiarize yourself with the different rules and regulations of car window tinting in Riverside, CA.
California’s window tinting law states how dark windows can be. The percentage of visible light allowed to travel through car windows is called the Visible Light Transmission. This law differs for sedans, SUVs, and vans.
Other rules include the requirement of having dual mirrors. The colors blue, red, and amber are not permitted by California. Only colorless window tints are allowed.
Stickers from an installing company like Global Tint USA are needed to be given to the driver. In 2017, California allowed medical exemptions for lower tints.
For window tint companies also, manufacturers must have the proper certifications provided by America. As a driver, he/she must also have a copy of the certificate.
In order to drive safely, particularly at night, you need to abide by those regulations. A praiseworthy window tint service will also abide by these laws and support you in that. They are happy and able to add the correct amount of darkness and reflection to the required tints.
To know more about the different California window tinting laws, check out the infographic made by Global Tint USA.