
6 Points To Keep In Mind While Buying Term Insurance

6 Points To Keep In Mind While Buying Term Insurance

If you want to make sure your family does not suffer financially if something were to happen to you, getting term insurance is a good option. A term life insurance is nothing but a type of life insurance policy. It provides coverage for a certain period or a specified number of years. Term insurance pays out a set amount of money to your family in case you pass away during the policy period. Knowing how term insurance works and what to think about before you get it can help you make a choice that’s good for you and your family’s future.

Figuring Out How Much Insurance You Need

Choosing how much insurance you need is very important when you are looking to buy term insurance. The payout from the insurance, called the sum assured, is what your family gets if you die unexpectedly. This money is meant to help your family get by without you.

Start by looking at how much money you make every year, how many people depend on you, what you owe, and how much you’ve saved or invested. Think about big costs that might come up, like your kids going to college or getting married.

You will also want to make sure that the insurance payout is big enough so your family can keep living the way they’re used to, even without your income. It should help with regular bills, pay off any big debts you have, and have a little extra for unexpected costs or price rises.

If you are the only one making money in the family, you will need enough insurance to replace your income for a long time. A common rule is to get insurance that is 10-15 times your yearly income. But this might change depending on your family’s needs, especially if you have little kids or big plans.

Some people use a detailed way to figure out how much insurance they need, looking at costs that would need to be paid right away, ongoing costs, and future expenses.

Your insurance needs might change over time, so it is a good idea to check your insurance amount regularly, especially after big life changes like having a baby, an increase in income, or paying off debts.

Choosing How Long Your Insurance Should Last

When you get insurance, you are making a plan for the unexpected. Think of it like having a backup plan for a rainy day. The length of your term insurance should match up with the time you are going to need this backup plan the most.

Here’s a simple way to figure it out:

  1. Think about when you will retire: You will want your insurance to last until you stop working. If something happens to you before then, the insurance money can help take care of your family, just like your salary does now.
  2. Consider your kids’ ages: If you have children, you might want the insurance to cover you until they’re all grown up and can pay for things themselves. This means your insurance should last until your youngest child can make it on their own.
  3. Look at your debts: If you owe money on your house or have other loans, make sure your insurance goes on until those debts are paid off. You would not want to leave your family with big payments to make if you were not around.

Checking the Insurer’s Track Record for Paying Claims

When picking an insurance company, look at their claim settlement ratio. This number shows how often they pay out claims. You want a company that is credible and known for paying out claims regularly.

Working Out Your Premiums

It is important to know how much you will need to pay for your insurance. Using a term insurance premium calculator can help you figure out your premium based on things like how old you are, your lifestyle, how much coverage you want, and how long you want the coverage for. This can help you plan your budget.

Thinking About Extra Coverage Options

Extra coverage options, or riders, give you more benefits for certain things that could happen, like getting very sick or having an accident. These extras cost more, so you have to decide if they are worth it for you.

Reading the Small Print

Insurance policies can be complicated, so it is important to read all the details. Make sure you know what’s not covered so there are no surprises if you or your family need to make a claim.


Getting term insurance can seem tricky, but if you keep these six things in mind, you can find a policy that fits your family’s needs. Taking the time to understand each part of the insurance can help make sure your family is looked after financially if anything happens to you.