5 Reasons why home-based blood collection is the new norm


Blood tests not only help keep individuals healthy and treat disease, but they also provide critical insights that may be used in clinical research as well as improve public health. The standard blood draw procedure, which involves a visit to a lab, presents hurdles to patients, which were further made more difficult by the epidemic. Despite the fact that laboratory tests constitute the basis for 70 percent of all medical decisions.

There is a considerable amount of unmet laboratory orders as just a result of the complicated logistics, high prices, and increased danger of contact with infectious illnesses, particularly during COVID-19 surges. Here’s why the home collection of blood samples has become a new trend-

1.  Zero Waiting Period

Seniors can avoid a significant amount of waiting time by having their blood drawn at home and receiving the results in real-time. The home collections of samples are going to be gathered in accordance with the appointment, as well as the reports are going to be provided in accordance with the agenda.

Revolutionary blood draw technologies are laying the groundwork toward a new age of home collection that is more robust and patient-friendly.

2.  Saves Time

Patients can save time by taking their own samples and sending them to the lab through the mail rather than going to the lab: It is simpler and more convenient for patients to undergo blood testing if they are allowed the freedom as well as the flexibility to take a sample whenever and wherever they like and have it managed through the mail. Patients who live in rural areas, people who need blood tests frequently, individuals with busy schedules, people with mobility challenges, or people who have limited resources for travel may benefit significantly from the home collection and added convenience in their efforts to improve their compliance with their treatment.

3.  Better Convenience

It is possible for the quality of treatment someone receives to improve when they are receiving mobile phlebotomy services in a more personal setting, such as their own home or a nursing home. It is possible that it will feel more authentic and personal than usual going to the doctor. It is more probable that mobile phlebotomists will deal with much the same patients over time, allowing them to cultivate meaningful connections with their customers and the caregivers who assist them.

This is especially helpful for phlebotomists to keep in mind when conducting their job with patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. These patients may have a sense of comfort as a result of the frequent visits they receive from a known and welcoming face via Flebo’s home collection services.

4.  Privacy Valued

Using a home collection service to enable the collection of blood or urine samples provides you considerably better privacy than if you were to walk into a clinic to get all these procedures done. This advantage goes hand in hand with the benefit described above. When you go to one of these establishments, you never realize who you could run into. You won’t have to worry about running into a coworker or neighbour if you use a mobile lab collection service, as well as you won’t have to worry about the awkward conversation that will inevitably follow if you do run into someone.

5.  Feel Safer

The experts suggest giving patients a quiet, pleasant area for treatments and finding strategies to reduce discomfort as a means of easing the worries that are associated with needles and laboratory tests.

Owing to the use of a shorter and smaller needle, blood collection is less unpleasant and intrusive than venipuncture, which means that it may be performed in the comfort of one’s own home, which is probably the most soothing environment.

The medical system is now moving toward patient services that are safer, more accessible, and more efficient in order to provide improved access to treatment. This shift in emphasis draws attention to the necessity of developing blood tests that really are simpler in order to boost compliance with the completion of lab orders, improve the quality of healthcare, and enhance the results for patients.